About The Event
Меѓународната конференција за информатика и информациски технологии е 19-та од серијата конференции организирани од Факултетот за компјутерски науки и инженерство.
- Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Bioinformatics
- Big Data
- Deep Learning
- Multimedia, Signal Processing
- Blockchain
- Computer Networks
- Sensor Networks
- Image Processing and Machine Vision
- Distributed Systems
- Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing
- Cloud and GRID Computing
- Wireless and Mobile Computing
- Security and Cryptography
- Theoretical Foundations of Informatics
- Applied Mathematics
- E-Technologies, E-Commerce and E-Business
- ICT in Education
- ICT in Agriculture
- Ambient Assisted Living
- ICT in Architecture
- Green ICT
Invited Talks
Less is more: Selecting a representative benchmarking data for robust and reproducible statistical outcomes
– Gjorgjina Cenikj and Tome Eftimov, Computer Systems Department, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
FaaSification and Serverless Functions Abstraction, Orchestration, and Distribution
– Sashko Ristov, Distributed and Parallel Systems Group, University of Innsbruck, Austria
“Help me, I’m confused”: Empowering patients in the era of data abundance
– Drashko Nakikj, PhD
Hybrid event at the Faculty of computer science and engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Macedonia, from May 5 to May 6, 2022 – online presentation will be allowed

More info: http://ciit.finki.ukim.mk/